Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Game. Time.

Alright. so maybe it took a month, but fitness will be had god damn it.  I feel like I have been watching people all around me get off their whiskey soaked asses and actually be somewhat active, so it was only a matter a time before I freaked out.  and freak out I did.  this morning. in my office (luckily with no witnesses).

Inspired by a certain friend who is currently driving through snowstorms for her daily 6am BOOTCAMP I figure the least I can do is 30 minutes on the elliptical while watching the Today Show, right?  Nevermind that BOOTCAMP may be the only source of sober entertainment for a small town Kansas girl, but I'm ignoring that one particular detail and plunging forward with inspriation. 

So, I called the trainer. and BOOKED THE DAYS (eek!).  Hopefully today is the last day that I wake up in 2009 without being seriously sore from endless lunges, push ups and other atrocities. It all starts, 7:30am tomorrow.

Go Team.

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