Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year's Absolutions

Assuming that we ever stick to the "thematic" content of this blog and actually discuss diet and exercise, the New Year offers plenty of opportunity for discussion, goal setting and general measurement...

As you would have it.  I am not in the sort of mindset that allows for much of any planning, and certainly not embracing any sort of accountability whatsoever.

For posterity, here are some boring, though applicable goals for 2010:

1) stop eating Ruffle potato chips dipped in ranch
(this will be hard)
2) regain my ability to deadlift 120lbs for three sets. (currently lifting 60lbs)
3) regain the knowledge of where  exactly my hip bone lives... (hipbone currently MIA)
4) Either increase ass, or decrease love handles, such that love handles are no long the "most promient" feature in that region. (ew.)
5) abstain from drinking 2 nights each week
(also will be hard... I might exempt wine spritzers from this..)
6) Abstain from drinking for 2 weeks straight before June (why not shoot for the stars, right??)

In point of fact, I'm less concerned with "resolutions" and more concerned with "absolution."  I hope that 2010 brings with it a renewed sense of vigor and enthusiasm for life and the things I chose to put in it.  I expect increased freedom from self consciousness, be it body, emotional or otherwise and at least two steps forward in terms of my contribution to the rest of society (assuming that my helpful snarkiness and judging of others isn't nearly as helpful as I think it is).

Something about the last part of 2009 has been very, very entrapping.  Nothing tragic, no big loss, no big changes, but something akin to a slow, comfortable suffocation.  I've gotten complacent (and puffy) with regard to most things and am now feeling the effects of that approach. It's time to start walking my talk and owning my actions (thanks McCloud) and raising my standards.  My intention is to identify habits that ultimately make me sad (ie those delicious ruffles coated in ranch) and steer my life away from them.  Only I make those choices, so only I can free myself from their obnoxious results.

Not to get too sappy, but it seems worthwhile to at least pay some attention to what I am thankful for this year, since this forum tends to see more of my cynical rage than my thankful appreciation for everything that's really pretty decent in my life (including my lovehandles.. they could be worse as an unfortunately shaped lady at the gym made very, very obvious to me yesterday).

My hot list from 2009:

Serious good fun with work and trying to make people play nice (/reducing hate crimes)
Driving the coast in The Boy's fun new car
Phenomonal girl getaways (vagas, scottsdale, san juans, fire island, seattle..)
My Parents' 35th Anniversary - ta-da! (and I still have liquor left over from that party!)
Coaching the volleyball girls back to Tri-Districts for the first time since I was in a high school uniform..
Clocking some serious time up at the Cabin (/ My Happy Place)
A triumphant return to the gym, complete with new shoes, and headphones so I can watch trashy tv while I "work out"

Ok, that's enough retrospective, emo ranting from me.  Time to pound out some work, read some other blogs then get my pretty self back up to the cabin where I plan on ringing the new year in with lots of bubbles, hot tubbing and a probably new year baptism in the pacific ocean.

Cheers to the new year, I hope that it is full of delicious champagne and good people to drink it with!


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