Note scotch, coffee, beer
and carrots (for posterity) ---->
My downfall came while we were shopping and I wandered over to the weird random salsa/hummus/dip section of the deli. What I found was somewhat life changing. Right there next to the hummus (that I intended to buy and dip carrots in), I saw it : "Better Than Ranch."
BETTER than ranch? what's better than ranch!?? says I. Apparently this dip is, in which case I must have it. I coveted it. I was already thinking about what gross fried delicious things I could smother in it...
So I grabbed it, and continued with my shopping...
Basically, this is like when alcoholics purchase good wine "for their guests." Somehow you justify the purchased, fooling yourself that the self control will kick in later so you shouldn't worry about not having any right now. Yeah, okay darlin, whatever makes you feel ok about the purchase... just wait till you get home and have to stare at the sweet, sweet syrah sitting up there on the shelf.
In my case it was the Better Than Ranch that would be staring at me from the fridge every time I opened it to grab another beer... until I was drunk enough to give in to its sad lost puppy stares and dip AN ENTIRE bag of Bagel Chips (of the roasted garlic kind, obviously) into its thick, perfectly seasoned pot of figurative honey.
As it turns out, it was better than ranch! Though I think I may have made myself sick and already totally failed at my attempt to get off the Ruffles/Ranch addiction that I've been trying to kick since August of '09.
So that's my shameful confession. More on the weekend later, when my Ranch Dip buzz has worn off and I can think clearly again...
<--- liberating fire, and three crumpled balls of good intentions for the new year...
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