Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dip Muscles.

It would appear that once again, everything on my body hurts in some fashion.  I've been balls to the wall with The Trainer this week and am definitely painfully aware of that fact.  Because it's unlikely that I'll ever pursue a career that relies on a strong understanding of anatomy, I've taken to describing my muscle groups by whatever function they serve.  So, for example, Tuesday I had to do lots of dips, therefore today my "dip muscles" are sore. 

I feel like this advancement in my communication has streamlined communication between me and The Trainer.  Instead of the slow poking and prodding to determine what exactly hurts (/screams out in pain when touched), I simply report that my "dip muscles" are "angry" and "not interested in doing anything today." 

I'm not intentionally personifying them, but it does seem to get my point across lots faster than when I ramble off a list of random body parts until The Trainer nods affirmingly.

your "dip muscles" ----->

 ps, these are my new favorite muscle diagrams that I found online.  I'm hoping to utilize them more in the future, since I imagine that my "Happy Hour muscles" and my "sleeping muscles" might get sore over the next few days and this clearly helps illustrate my point. 

Anyway, off tonight to a lecture series on Africa (read: "scheduled activity" that requires HH beforehand... I love having a reason to indulge in $5 and $1 oysters.. 

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